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The Annual Plan: The Best Travel Insurance for Wedding Season

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Your fridge holds six elegant letterpress invitations. Your closet holds three bridesmaid dresses that are totally not your style. And your budget holds (barely) all the plane and train tickets you need to attend a year of weddings.

"Why is it that all my friends are getting married in one year?" you wonder. "And why am I always a bridesmaid?" We can't answer that. But we can make wedding season worry-free with annual travel insurance. It can be a great choice for anyone who's taking more than two or three trips in a 365-day period. For as little as $249, you're covered for up to 45 days of travel, anywhere in the world. Here's how annual travel insurance can protect your travel investment and save you money.

How Annual Travel Insurance Protects You

  • Emergency medical coverage and emergency medical transportation: If you're attending a destination wedding overseas, your U.S. health insurance most likely won't cover you. That means if you slip on the dance floor and break your wrist, you'll have to pay for treatment out of pocket. If something more serious occurs and you have to be airlifted to a hospital, you're looking at a bill that could be twice your salary. The AllTrips Prime Plan includes emergency medical transportation benefits up to $100,000 and emergency medical and dental benefits up to $20,000.
  • Trip cancellation and interruption protection: Annual travel insurance from Allianz Global Assistance reimburses you up to a set amount ($2,000 for the Deluxe Plan) if you have to cancel or interrupt your trip for a covered reason. So if you fall ill, or you lose your job, or a hurricane slams into your house, you may be able to cancel your planned wedding trip and get your money back. Cold feet are not a covered reason, however, so if the unhappy couple cancels the wedding you're out of luck.

How Annual Travel Insurance Can Save You Money

  • Rental car collision/loss damage insurance: You know how rental car companies always push you to sign up for all kinds of extra insurance? You don't need it. Really. The only rental car insurance it's smart to buy is collision/loss damage insurance, which can protect you from paying for rental car damage or theft. You get $25,000 of this coverage in the AllTrips Prime Plan for a fraction of what the rental company charges.
  • Baggage coverage for bags that are lost, stolen or damaged: The more trips you take, the more likely it is that one of your bags will be lost or delayed. And if that bag happens to hold your wedding attire, you'll run up quite a credit card bill replacing it. Annual travel insurance from Allianz Global Assistance includes up to $1,000 in baggage benefits.
  • Trip delay coverage: After paying for a pricey hotel the night of the wedding, you really don't want to pay for another night because your flight home was canceled. Trip delay benefits can provide up to $500 in reimbursement for meals, accommodations and lost prepaid expenses when your travel is delayed. If just your luggage is delayed, you get up to $200 in benefits for covered needed essentials.

Remember, You Don't Have to Go to Every Wedding

"But all my friends are getting married!" you say. "I have to go!" Not at all. Only attend a wedding if you really want to be there. If the bride and groom are truly good friends, they'll understand if you can't afford to travel, or you have an unavoidable commitment that prevents you from attending.

Motivational speaker T. J. Sullivan offers 26 more reasons for skipping a wedding, including, "You haven’t had a real conversation with the person inviting you for two years or more" and "The money you would have to spend to attend this wedding could pay for a really fun three or four-day vacation for you." If you go for the vacation instead, cheers! Just don't forget to protect your trip with travel insurance.  Learn more about the annual travel insurance plans offered by Allianz Global Assistance. Safe travels!

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Jul 11, 2017